to busy having to do paperwork for work today but at last its finished! Just thought I'd show you the latest of the dragon pictures. They really do seem to have settled in well and now both have names. The one we think and hope is female has been called Indie after Indianna Jones as she is very inquisitive and brave and the one we think and hope is a male is called Wally mainly because everytime we look in the vivarium we say Where is he so now its Wheres Wally?! lol (plus he can be a bit of a wally from time to time too!) Anyway this afternoon Ria is busy trying to finish some history homework and decides it would be nice to have Wally out too and this is the result! He did try to eat the little flashing lights at the bottom of the keyboard too! He seemed to enjoy his outing and was soon lying comfortably over the touchpad! End of homework! lol Right I'm off to bed now and up for an Early tomorrow so hopefully crafting tomorrow evening. Night all.x
Great pic...glad to hear they are settling in well! Love the names :)