Another lovely sketch over at Sketch Saturday and this one came together really qickly for me (1/2 hour and that is really quick for me!) The bright pink cs is coredinations the scalloped circle cut on Robbie from paper by Raspberry Road Designs, flowers and brad PM, 2 lines of silver peeloffs and giant black ricrak behind the flower oh yes and some black adhesive stones. TFL and now I am off to bed and hopefully having a lie in tomorrow! (wont hold my breath though! lol)
Friday, 31 October 2008
Over at SCSC it was a sketch and a fantastic one it was too, I didnt think I was going to get this done in time this week but I have (only just!) I've used PM papers, flower and brad, coredinations cs stamped with Anitas stamp using black ink and silver pearl embossed, added some sparkle to my flower with a sakura stardust pen too! TFL
A quick hello!
Wow the course I have been on this week was fantastic, best bit of training I have done in years and I really enjoyed it. As an added bonus we finished at lunch time today so I thought I'd sneak in some extra crafting only to find printer is playing up again so I think I am gonna have to go out tomorrow and get another one as I cant put up with it only working when it feels like it! Anyway I'm off to make a card from some paper I've already got! lol back later.x
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Friday Sketchers # 25
Yes I know I said I probably wouldnt be back but as I was checking out which challenges I still have to complete this week I came across the lovely sketch by Claudia Rosa over at Friday Sketchers and here is my interpretation of it. Made this using JS Victorian Christmas cd for papers and image, then put cs thru BS using swiss dots folder, added some ribbon and a little silver snowflake. TFL and now I'm off to bed!
CCT challenge # 33 The stars at night
This week CCT said This week we would like to see some stars or something spooky on your cards. I opted for stars and used PM paper, coredinations cs punched with xcut ribbon punch then threaded some blue and silver organza ribbon thru then mounted some more of the paper ontop with the trees punched out and finished off with a silver peeloff. TFL Today on the course was really hard and emotional and tonight I am feeling totally drained and my cold is starting to kick in big time so not sure if I'll manage anymore tonight but hope to be back tomorrow night.
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
ABC challenge N is for Nature
we would like to see you using nature to inspire you this week. It can either be a creation using images (stamped or otherwise, eg leaves, flowers) or the colours of nature. this was the challenge over at ABC So I wracked my brains trying to think of what I could do. (not an easy task especially after 7 1/2 hours of training! not much left to wrack not that there was much there in the first place!) anyway after digging thru my stash I came across these fabric flower pieces that were bought as complete flowers from a cheapy shop then pulled apart so now I've put some back together but in a different order! and used a big brad to hold them, mounted them onto a circle of coredinations cardstock embossed with a BS stexture plate and sanded. Background paper is PM then a few peeloffs added. TFL Had another good training day today but a bit nervous about tomorrow as we have to put what we have learnt into practice with some of our residents and they are going to video us too! Scary!
Monday, 27 October 2008
Spoonful of Sugar challenge 22 Halloween
Over at Spoonful the challenge this week is Halloween and I've just finished my card in time! I embossed some white cs using the fiskars texture plate and BS then rubbed my ink pad over this, mounted it on to the card add the spider confetti and finally Spider Dottie coloured using sakura glaze pens then wrote Happy Halloween round the edge in sakura stardust, looked better in my minds eye! lol. TFL
MTTC challenge #36 Personalise it
Over at MTTC it said This week's theme is 'Personalise it' - make your project more personal and put a name on it. So I decided it was time my craft room really became mine! I used PSE5 and did it all digitally with a freebie kit from ShabbyPrincess - Promise. My door plaque once printed was stuck onto mount board and then holes and eyelets added with my cropadile and ribbon from my stash. As you will no doubt have noticed the plaque uses the same name and papers as my blog title, well this is my little playground as its where I come to play with my stash and unwind after a hard day. TFL I enjoyed making this. Had a great training day but it was very intensive so crafting time definately required to unwind too tonight but probably not too late! (famous last words! lol)
Sunday, 26 October 2008
PTW challenge Frightful but delightful
PTW is This weeks challenge is a halloween one! Anything you like - cards, bags boxes tins etc etc as long as it's Frightful but delightful!! so I have used the gorgeous pumpkin Dottie from Charmed coloured using wc pencils and sakura glaze pens, paper is Raspberry Road Pick of the Patch add on Freebie, coredinations cs, PM flowers, anitas adhesive ribbon, brad from stash and the pumpkin layered stickers I bought last year in the £ shop. TFL as awlays.
New Award

Thank you Lea for this award. These awards are always so nice to receive and always difficult to pass on! either because the receipient I want to pass it on to already has it (usually the case) or becuase I cant decide on only a small number of people to pass it on to! So I would love to pass this award onto:
Ruth, Adele, Sammi Natasha and Nicky and thank you all for sharing the wonderful work that you do, I love dropping by and seeing what you have been up to along with the many other places that I love to visit.
Dotties World Challenge Spotty Dottie
After leaving last weeks challenge to the last minute I have managed to persuade my printer to play along with this weeks challenge over at Dotties World! No I am not asking for a pubescent Dotty in need of a tube of Clearasil, but I would like to see some spots. Yep, today I am setting the challenge here on Dottie's World, and this is what I would like you to do: SPOTTY DOTTIE I want to see SPOTS. It doesn't have to be Dottie, you can of course use any of the downloads. BUT I don't just want to see a circle or two. Printed Dottie witch and background papers which are Raspberry Road, coloured image in using sakura stardust and metallic pens to match the pendant I made. Then added some ghost table confetti I got last year and some small black adhesive stones. Hope I used enough spots. TFL. Dont know how much I'll be around during the week as I am on a training course Mon-Fri 9-5 so will depend on how shattered I am after getting home and doing tea but hopefully I'll have enough energy to be around otherwise I am really gonna fall behind with all the fantastic challenges. :(
Saturday, 25 October 2008
Dotties World Challenge - Not a Card attempt 2!
I'm back with another attempt at this challenge and this almost didnt happen too! Printer and me have fallen out big time! I am now going to have to rely on images and paper that I have already printed out til I can afford a new printer I have had this one about 4 or 5 years and it has worked hard! but even so it shouldnt just give up on me - doesnt it know how much I NEED to craft! Oh well time to get resourceful I think and use up all that paper that I have lying around the craft room! Anyway this second attempt uses a coaster blank that I got years ago for putting xstitch in so I cut out Rudolph and mounted this onto some PM paper to which I added a few dots of sakura clear stardust. The great thing is, is the back has a little notch in it which makes it easy to take it out and change the image inside so this coaster can be changed to suit my mood/time of year etc. Not sure that such a cute image suits my mood tonight though! lol! TFL
Dotties World Challenge - Not a Card
Louise decided it was time for a change and threw down this challenge - Make something using a Charmed download but IT CAN'T BE A CARD! Great challenge Lou! Well I have made something that is not a card but as per usual it hasnt turned out quite how I wanted it to so I may well be back later tonight with another attempt and I think I have now decided that me and shrink dont mix very well! I made this for a friend who collects witches but I'm not sure if I will give it to her or not at the moment. My printer is still playing up big time which could mean I'll need a new one - gulp! but I did manage to print the main image onto the shrink then I over coloured it with sakura metallics and stardust pens, took ages to shrink and it hasnt shrunk as neatly as I wanted! Added the leather cord and a silver bead to finish it off. Sorry its not a great pic but no-one around to help with that so am wearing it and taking the pic! lol! TFL
Friday, 24 October 2008
Sketch Saturday #21
Another fabby sketch over at Sketch Saturday which I didnt think I'd get done in time but I have jsut managed it before I go to bed! Sorry not sure about the papers, I think the pale pink one is PM but not sure about the other, anitas sticky ribbon, PM flower and brad, coredination cs and the image was sent to me in a pif so dont know whose it is, and now I really am going to bed! Night all. TFL x
Over on the Secret Crafter Saturday Challenge blog the challenge this week went like this "This week there is no sketch but a theme, set by the lovely KIM which is "Blue, White and a little bit of snowflake!". Again any project can be made as long as it fits with the theme." So here is what I came up with .. Snowman cut from mountboard using sizzix die then the same cut from a piece of cordinations that was then embossed using fiskars plates thru the BS then sanded to give the lighter core thenI stuck this to the mount board and added the shiny blue hat and scarf and coloured his twig arms and added googly eyes. He was then mounted on to some white card embossed with swirls (fiskars plates again) and the backing paper is from Raspberry Road Designs and all finished off with some silver peeloffs. TFL Today has been a day off but I have spent most of it trying to complete paperwork for work or trying to sort my printer as it keeps telling me my cartridges are faulty again even though I've just put new ones in, it really is frustrating me! - not bad when actually I thought I was going to have a lovely day of crafting - typical huh! Oh well I'm on an early tomorrow so will be heading off to bed shortly but hope to catch up with you all over the weekend, have a great one. x
Thursday, 23 October 2008
StampSomething challenge - sketch something
Well this is my card for the challenge over at Stamp Something I have used Birthday Dottie, PM papers, adhesive paper ribbon from Lakeland which I stamped with red ink and a red ballon cut using a quickcuts die and self ahesive gems from the £1 shop. TFL
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Ria on Dartmoor
Just thought I'd quickly add a couple of pics from Rias weekend on Dartmoor, the first is of her having a rest having relieved herself of her rucksack and the second one is one she took and is rather proud off, says it really gives her the feeling of religion, I must admit I am impressed with the pic too, no dount she will manage a scarpbook page or 2 eventually of the pics she took, she didnt take many as the camera was playing up (typical!) TFL Right I'm off to bed now, stuggling to keep my eyes open but I so wanted to get the CCT challenge completed, think I'm going to have to start combining my challenges if I'm running out of time but I prefer to keep them separate! Goodnight. x
CCT challenge # 32 Autumn (Fall)
Thanks CCT great challenge, autumn colours are lovely but I struggled to find the right image! while I was looking thru my digi kits for inspiration for papers I came across this digi stamp from the Raspberry Road Designs Farmhouse collection and the rest just flowed so to speak. The image is coloured using wc pencils and whispers pens, the background paper is from another Raspberry Road kit- Burlap Buddies, which my printer eventually let me print after much shouting at it! lol it is being rather tempermental at the moment and is most frustrating! The card and ribbon are both from my stash. TFL
Monday, 20 October 2008
ABC challenge M is for Male
Oh the dreaded Male themed card, thats the challenge over at ABC well its not called 'the dreaded' but thats how I feel about trying to produce effect male orientated cards! Well there I was pondering what to do when suddenly I remembered that I had coloured in Super George while I was sat with my back playing me up so then it was a a case of searching for the right papers which are Raspberry Road then I used some stamps that I have had in my stash for a while I picked them up at Lakeland Plastics whilst visiting my mum some time ago! (always knew they would come in handy eventually! Now that its finished I love the tag but am not so sure about the background anymore! might have to do another using a different background but at least I have managed to complete another challenge and just in time again too! TFL and thats all from me tonight as I'm on an early shift again tomorrow, so night night all.
Spoonful of Sugar challenge 21 Sketch
Spoonful Of Sugars challenge 21 was a sketch by Lim, I really enjoyed this one and used my xyron cutter which I havent used for a while so that was good, cut the photo corners with it, then embossed them, papers are PM, card is coredinations, main heart is a quickcuts die and the tiny hearts are a sizzlit, the peeloff sentiment has been coloured using whispers permenants. TFL Right off to try and get another card done tonight, so might be back later.
Sunday, 19 October 2008
PTW challenge a sketch
PTW challenge this week was a fabulous sketch by Katharina there are some gorgeous DT examples. Mine uses papers from PM, coredinations cardstock CB embossed with swiss dots and d'vine swirls, some lace from my stash and some adhesive gems, the stamped image is Anitas adn coloured using sparkly paints and sakura glaze pens and the sentiment is one I have had for ages not sure whose. The colours look a bit washed out in the pic but if I hadnt used the flash it looked very pink! TFL. Ria is home from Dartmoor and she had a great time despite her rucksack being too heavy and making her shoulders ache! She was fed, bathed etc and in bed asleep by 8.30 tonight!
Saturday, 18 October 2008
MTTC challenge Doodling
Well this weeks challenge over at MTTC is This week's theme is 'Doodling'. Try adding some freehand drawing to your projects. Maybe something really simple or if you're feeling really brave perhaps try drawing your own image instead of using a rubber stamp! Get your felt tips at the ready and have loads of fun doodling! Now I very nearly didnt do this one as I'm not a great doodler! but I couldn't let it go without at least having a go, I mean if I really dont like the finished item it can always go in the bin huh? so I went ahead and actually I quite like the finished card but still unsure about doodling! Anyway paper is JS victorian christmas cd and the hens are made using quickcutz funky chicken die and coredinations card, inked the edges and the doodling is done in the corners using sakura metallics. TFL
A is for Acetate
Well thats the challenge over at Dotties World set by Nicola which goes likes this ... A is for Acetate with a hint of pink!!It can be a whole acetate card,an aperture of acetate,an embelishment as long as Acetate is there some where & as October is Breast Cancer awareness month I'd like to see some pink!!!.And the use of one or more images from the downloads on Charmed Cards and Crafts,i.e Dottie,George,Cats etc. Well what I actually planned to do just didnt happen as my printer and its ink cartridges have decided to have a major falling out! so I am unable to print properly except with 2 old cartridges which dont want to give me the right colours! lol Anyway in the end I alrelaldy had a skater Dottie printed off so coloured her in using w/c pencils then paperpieced the trees on the background, coloured the lights using sakura glaze pens and the ice and background have a feint colour wash on them, then Dottie has been fixed to a piece of acetate and is now bobbing about on the ice! TFL
Friday Sketchers # 24
Well with this weeks sketch over at Friday Sketchers I thought I'd go a little bit different so I alcohol inked an old cd with meadow and covered the back with some holly paper (JS victorian christmas cd) and used a band of same paper on the front then added a Anitas stamped image coloured with sakura and cheats h2os! and Anitas dimensional poinsetta sticker and the back has a stamped sentiment (Anitas), hole punched with cropadile and ribbon from stash added. It does look a lot nicer IRL and I'm pleased with it also came together pretty quick for me so could be doing more of these! TFL Ria has left for Dartmoor and I think her rucksack, with the tent now added is possibly heavier than she is! She is nervous but also excited and has taken her camera so hopefully she'll remember to take some pics! lol Right I'm off to see if I can catch up with some more challenges while the place is quiet, plus have a busy week of work ahead of me! TT4N. x
Friday, 17 October 2008
Sketch Saturday #20
Another great sketch over at Sketch Saturday and only just completed in time too!The paper and beautiful image were part of a pif and I have been waiting for the right reason to use them and this sketch just shouted out for them, I punched 3 circles in the paper before fixing it to the base of black then added the 3 little metal fans which I purchased a packet of ages ago just because I really liked them! the black oval has also been embossed using the distressed paint CB folder which is sort of bambooish! lol mind you it doesnt really show here! Coloured the image using sakura glaze and metallic pens and some metallic pencils of Rias. Hope you like it. TFL Ria is off to Dartmoor tomorrow with Scouts for a hiking/camping weekend so no doubt she will come home on Sunday cold wet and very tired but she is looking forward to it, it also means that I have a peaceful weekend ahead of me recouping with my back and my craft! (hopefully)
Thursday, 16 October 2008
Secret Crafter Saturday Challenge #2
Ok I have sat at my desk long enough to put a card together now I have to go and change position! The fabby sketch this week over at SCSC was by Sue and I love this sketch it is one I will definately use again (and again and again! lol) For this I used PM paper, coredinations card, xcut ribbon punch, ribbon from my stash, PM flowers and adhesive stones and the image is of course Dottie from Charmed Cards & Crafts, and the card is for some very dear friends of mine who are expecting a christmas baby. Dottie is coloured in using wc pencils, sakura stardust and glaze pens and some Glitz It glitter glue. Must go TFL x
Back problems
Hi all, hope all is well out there in blogland, sorry not been about for a couple of days but I have had a really bad time with a muscle in my back which is in spasm, really painful and not been able to get comfortable to do anything! It is starting to ease now and I have been able to colour a few images in but thats as far as its gone with card making but hope to be back to crafting properly real soon, just as soon as I can find a comfortable position to be sat at my desk! Take care and I'll try and catch up with what everyones been up to as and when I can. x
Monday, 13 October 2008
Friday Sketchers # 23
Another challenge completed and I thought I'd be struggling this week! This one is for Friday Sketchers papers are ShabbyPrincess Holiday Magic freebie, image is Christmas tree Dottie (pre coloured) with added glitz from sakura pens, ribbon and brad from stash and peeloff and sticker are PM. TFL. Right thats it for tonight need to go and get some sleep ready for training day tomorrow, goodnight one and all. x
CCT challenge #31 Buttons & Bows
Over at CCT the challenge was to use buttons and bows. well firstly I'm nbot very good at tying realliy small bows and didnt have a pre tied one in my stash that fitted with my card so I cheated slightly by using bow shaped buttons! the papers I have used are mm cosmopolitan collection that were a gift a long long time ago and I only have a small amount left both in the blue and pink collections and I love 'em! this is my first time for using an Edwin image which was given to me as part of a pif (been saving it for the right card!) he has been coloured using sparkly paints from the works and sakura pens. The blooms are pm and not sure where I got the giant brad from am pleased with the overall result here (bit unusual for me to like it from the start!) anyway TFL. Wish I was crafting tomorrow but I have a training day tomorrow, physical intervention and manual handling - wonderfully riviting stuff! but hope to get back to crafting in the evening.
Spoonful of Sugar challenge 20 Pink & Green
The challenge this week over at Spoonful Of Sugar was to use the colour combo of pink & green, this is a lovely colour combo and heres what I did. I'm sorry but I dont know what make the pink papers are as they were a gift but the green is I believe Rusty Pickle which was a magazine freebie, the daisies are cut on the sidekick using a sizzlit and the Happy Birthday is an extended cut (only used the wording though) the petals have been sakura startdusted and also used the stardust around the lettering for some subtle glizt. TFL
Sunday, 12 October 2008
MTTC challenge #32 Teddies
Ok only just made it as I have to leave for work in about 5 mins so here is my Teddies card for the MTTC challenge. while looking for some papers to use I found an envelope stuffed with scraps from last years cards so was able to make full use of the scraps! The teddy is a FF one rom some free stickers with a mag and i added a peeloff sentiment and some wire! Right time to go, will play catch up tomorrow as its my day off. Byeee x
Saturday, 11 October 2008
PTW challenge 2 to choose from
PaperTake Weekly gave us 2 challenges to choose from this week ... Onto this weeks challenge! It was PTW's 1st birthday on the 1st of October so this week we have a choice of 2 challengesFirsts - first birthday, Christmas, anniversary etcORNo Stamping! - embellishments, papers, die cuts, paper folding, stitching, encaustic, doodling? etc etc I opted for the 2nd one as done a bit of stamping recently and also moved away from Christmas cards with this one. Backing paper is Raspberry Road then used BS to cut oval from mountboard which was inked round the edges, then cover some more mountboard with coppery foil and cut the watering can with BS added PM flowers and a couple of twists of wire and faux gems and used stardust sakura clear pen on the flowers for some added sparkle. TFL and thats me done for the night, am now struggling to keep my eyes open after my early start this morning and I'm on the late shift tomorrow so I might even get a lie in! (doubtful but you never know! lol) x
Ria's Dragon Cake
Well here are the belated pics of the cake that MIL made for Rias b'day and it just had to be a dragon cake! lol Looked so much better IRL. she did really well everyone was very impressed. The dragon is made from icing apart from the wings that ended up being made from paper as she just couldnt get them to go right with the icing.
Quick card - ABC Challenge
Just a quick card using up some bits left over from last nights crafting, image Anitas stamped and embossed with blue ink and silver pearl powder, BG paper (I think) coredinations card some lace and adhesive stones and I've just realised that it fits with this weeks ABC Challenge which is L for Lace (woohoo! completed a challenge without even realising it! lol) TFL, right need to go and feed the family now but hoping to get back to crafting later. Bye for now. xx
Friday, 10 October 2008
Secret Crafter Saturday Challenge #1
Great new sketch challenge blog over at Secret Crafter Saturday Challenge I found some Basic Grey (I think! was a freebie) paper that was just right for another of my new Anitas stamps which is stamped in rich chocolate then silver pearl embossed (looks better irl!) coredinations card embossed with CB d'vine swirls then some buttons from the button box and I coloured a silver peeloff with brown whisper permenant pen. TFL and now I'm off to bed as on the early shift then I shall be checking out Secret Crafter chalenge #2! Goodnight one and all and many thanks for stopping by and taking time to leave a comment. xx
Sketch Saturday #19
I'm enjoying these sketch challenges, this is another good one from Sketch Saturday. Papers are doodlbug design inc, stamp is Anitas silver pearl embossed and coloured with sakura glaze pens and irridescent glue, selection of brads and peeloffs. I'm gonna try and complete one more card tonight before I go to bed as I'm on an early tomorrow. TFL
Dotties World Challenge Love Is
Yet another great challenge over at Dotties World set this week by Juliet and it goes like this ... This week, I'd like you to create something on the theme 'Love is......' and I would like to see a message or journalling on the FRONT of your card. As usual, you must include one of the Dottie downloads too and we are all really looking forward to seeing your fabulous creations. Background paper is doodlebug design inc and I've used Christmas Fairy Dottie coloured in using a mix of wc pencils and sakura stardust and metallic pens, sentiment is printed on pc using a christmas font then I've inked it and added adhesive gems and a flower from pm and an old button. There is a 'SUPER' participation reward too, go on pop over to Dotties World and find out all about it - you know you want to! lol TFL
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
CCT challenge 30 christmas animals
Oh well I've only managed one more card tonight and it is for the CCT challenge which is christmas themed animals so it just had to be from the download collection of cats from Charmed Cards & Crafts by Louly. coloured using wc pencils and then glitter glue for the spotty cat and added a dimensional sticker Anitas or pm cant recall which. The sentiment is a sizzlit one and the paper is a digi download from last year by Digitreats by princesspamela. TFL Must make more of an effort though as my challenges are starting to fall behind! working tomorrow but day off on Friday so who knows! lol
Friday Sketchers #22
Now I liked this sketch over at Friday Sketchers this week but boy oh boy did I struggle as it really isnt my style but I wanted to have a go anyway and try something but it took me hours of pushing images, papers and ribbons around til I finally came up with this I think I like it but not totally convinced! lol papers are PM ribbon and rikrak from my stash as are the gems the snowflake sticker is Anitas as is the stamp (which I do like!) the cardstock is coredinations embossed with swiss dots, chose the colour to match their noses. oh and the background paper has been embossed with a few randomly placed snow flakes. TFL. Hope to be back later with more but work has been getting in the way of crafting this week and also had to catch up on some hw (sorry for the bad language!)
Saturday, 4 October 2008
Rias Birthday
well we have had a good day today, Ria has turned 12 and thoroughly enjoyed her day, she received great gifts and money and this afternoon we took out to show her what her main present was going to be, it is a joint present for her birthday and christmas and she is now very excited as we are getting her a large vivarium and the bits and pieces to get her started and she has enough money to buy 2 bearded dragons which we will get just after christmas, she is now so excited its unbelievable. she has wanted dragons for quite a while now and we kept putting it off but have now decided to go ahead so we looked today at the vivarium we are going to get and off course she had a look at the dragons! Anyway here are the 2 cards I made earlier in the week but couldn't put on here just incase she had a sneek peek!lol Both Dottie images (of course Ria is as keen on them as I am, so couldn't really use anything else could !) coredinations cs, Raspberry road papers pm brads and flowers and ribbon and button from my stash. the birthday Dottie is from us and the Libra Dottie is from my mum & dad - she loved them! Well that is me for tonight as I'm on the early shift tomorrow so hopefully I'll get on tomorrow evening and try and post a couple of pics of the cake that her gran made which is a dragon (fantasy type with wings not beardie!) Ria has a love of all things dragon!, probably why she wanted bearded dragons and not gekos or chameleons! lol. Take care one and all. x
Thursday, 2 October 2008
My Time To Craft challenge 31 Trees/Leaves
This challenge over at MTTC - On to this weeks theme and we've chosen 'Trees and Leaves' it's entirely up to you what you create. Perhaps try using some trees or leaves stamps, have lots of fun creating the many wonderful colours of leaves - gave me a good excuse to use another of my new Anitas stamps from the set I bought yesterday (like I need an excuse! lol) Image stamped in black and silver pearl heat embossed (note to self buy blue pigment ink pad) then coloured using the cheap H2Os and inked round the edge. The background paper is I think HOTP from a couple of years ago then added some silver thread, self adhesive tree ribbon and blue and silver organza ribbon from stash, sentiment is a Royal & Langnickel clear choice stamp. IRL the image has got quite a shimmer to it which is lost in the photo. TFL.
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Friday Sketchers + 1
Yipee another 2 cards completed tonight. The Friday Sketchers one was a bit of a struggle as I couldnt decide which papers to use and I spent ages moving bits of paper around before finally deciding! anyway its PM papers from last year! the 'Christmas' and the snowmen were stamped in black ink and heat embossed using silver pearl powder which makes for a much softer looking image, the image was coloured in using a cheap version of twinkling H2Os and then some stickers were added. The second card just fell together first when I was playing with bits of paper trying to meet the challenge. The sentiment as with the other snowmen are Anitas stamps (bought them today!) and papers are again PM from last year and this one has the addition of some snowflake adhesive ribbon by PM, considering it fell together I'm rather pleased with it for its simplicity. Well thats me done for tonight, hope to do some more crafting tomorrow night but depends how the course goes!. Night all, thanks for stopping by. x
Dottie Goes Geometric Challenge
There is yet another fabby chaleenge over at Dotties World again this week that goes like this ... Dottie goes Geometric!Jack suggested that I made a card using triangles but I am going to open up the possibilites and ask you to make creations with bold geometric shapes. This could simply be part of some patterned papers or a fancy shaped card...the choice is yours BUT I want to see some geometric shapes as a main part of your cheating and telling me the brad is a circle! Don't forget it must have a Charmed download somewhere too! Go check out the fab work that has been done by the DT. Now my card started as something totally different to what it ended up like the only bit that is original is the aperture shape! The paper is some that I was given so sorry dont know what it is, the aperture and frame are cut using the circlescribe, I finally got round to using some of my wire (but it doesnt look nearly as good as when Becky uses it! I obviously need a lot more practice! lol) the download is from the Love & Marriage collection over at Charmed Cards & Crafts. The frame is raised up on foam pads and inside the aperture is some shiny mettalic paper which is why there appears to be a strange purple glow around Dottie & George, its actually their reflection. Well TFL and I'm off to try and do some more crafting as I have a course to go on tomorrow then back to work on Friday and Rias birthday on Saturday. But finally before I go I would like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who has been stopping by and leaving me such lovely comments I really do appreciate it and read all of them. xx
Ugh I ran out of ink!
Tried to print some paper for Dotties World challenge last night only to discover that my ink had finally given up on me, its been low and was planning on getting new one today anyway but thats not the point! I was ready to use it last night! lol Well I have started it again this morning using some other paper from my stash but its not quite finished and now I have to go out! will be back later with the finished article I hope! bye for now x
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